Bowling Green Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in Bowling Green

If stained or discolored teeth are holding you back, we offer a variety of teeth whitening solutions to help you uncover your best smile. At Westen Dental Group, we are dedicated to helping you get that smile in a safe, comfortable, and effective way. Our Bowling Green based expert cosmetic team is standing by – schedule a consultation today!

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About Teeth Whitening

Even if you diligently brush and floss, your teeth may still be discolored due to smoking, previous oral hygiene issues, or certain drinks/medications. Aging is another factor, as naturally overtime your enamel thins and begins to reveal more of the yellowish dentin.

Over the counter whitening solutions - such as whitening strips, gel, and toothpastes have limits because they are not professional grade level. They also lack the supervision of an expert dentist to ensure safety and customization for your specific oral health needs.

This is where Westen Dental Group comes in with our reliable, safe, and effective professional teeth whitening services performed by the top Bowling Green cosmetic dentistry team.

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Take?

Length of teeth whitening treatment will vary based on the starting color/condition of your teeth and the type of whitening used. An in-office whitening appointment is typically an hour or less! Take home trays will take longer, but allow you to achieve comparable results in the comfort of your home.

Types of Teeth Whitening

  • Take home trays
    • Our professional grade whitening trays are stronger than anything you can buy in stores in Bowling Green. Our trays are safer than some over the counter products because of the higher quality whitening agents. 
  • In-office treatments
    • See quick, noticeable, and dramatic results with professional grade in-office whitening. If you are seeking service to prepare for a big event such as a wedding, vacation, or job interview - this may be the better choice for you. After only one appointment, you will see significant improvement.

Our top-notch Bowling Green cosmetic team can make a recommendation for you based on your the state of your teeth and your whitening shade goals - Get started today with a consultation!


How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

Teeth whitening is usually not covered by insurance, but that doesn’t mean it is unaffordable! While the exact cost of your procedure will vary based on the form of whitening chosen, we are confident that we have a teeth whitening solution that will work perfectly for you!

We pride ourselves in offering some of the best teeth whitening prices in Bowling Green. Call us today or request an appointment now, and start smiling brighter, today!

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Bowling Green Teeth Whitening

Let our team help you determine what whitening process is right for you, based on the current color and condition of your teeth.

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Bowling Green

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Tooth loss is challenging on many levels. Not only can it affect what you eat and how you chew leading to more serious health concerns, but it can also make you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Emergency Dentistry

You never know when a dental emergency will happen. Thankfully, Westen Dental Group is Bowling Green’s most trusted Dental Emergency team. We have a team of dental experts to serve you.

Dental Bridges

A safe, low-risk way to replace one or more missing teeth. Natural teeth or dental implants can be used as anchors to support the suspended replacement teeth.

Dental Crowns

Decay or trauma can cause loss of tooth structure and can compromise function as well as esthetics. Extensive loss of tooth structure can best be replaced with a restoration that covers your entire tooth as in a crown. This “full coverage” restoration can strengthen your tooth and in the hands of an expert can provide a long-lasting esthetic and functional result.

Dental Exams And Check-Ups

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Dental Implants

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Dental Sealants

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Tooth Extractions

While many of us do our best to keep our teeth healthy, sometimes a tooth needs to be taken out to keep you healthy. In these cases, an extraction is necessary.


A toothache can disrupt your life. Tooth decay, cracked teeth, and cavities will provide a constant and painful reminder. At Westen Dental we have completed thousands of fillings.

Root Canal

A root canal is one of the most common dental procedures performed, well over 14 million every year. This simple treatment can save your natural teeth and prevent the need for dental implants or bridges.

Teeth Whitening

Let our team help you determine what whitening process is right for you, based on the current color and condition of your teeth.


A wafer-thin glass shell that can be bonded to the front of your teeth to mask their shape, color, or size. The highest quality veneers are made individually by hand and are hard to distinguish from natural teeth.